What is summative and formative assessment?

Formative assessment
– responses to tasks and questions
– assessing their input, instigating peer discussions, and completing a review of work covered during the plenary.
•Planning prompts
– For example, recapping the grapheme-phoneme correspondence (GPC) taught, particularly as part of the plenary. Each lesson plan has an assessment section to remind the adult of the focus of the formative assessment.

Formative assessment
By assessing children formatively, you will have evidence to guide your decisions on more immediate changes.
Same day interventions
Consolidation plans

Here is the medium term plan for Reception. You can see that we leave time scheduled for assessment, consolidation and interventions.
Phonics Screening Check

We have a PSC simulator for pupils to practise. The long term plans are mapped out for Year 1 pupils get to the end of Chapter 4b before the PSC takes place. There is also lots of time planned for intervention if needed.